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atv mudding

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

California City, CA – A recent off-road incident in California City resulted in two individuals being hospitalized after two UTVs collided head-on, as reported by KBAK. The crash occurred on a rural dirt road south of Jawbone Canyon Road on April 20, 2024, at approximately 10:56 AM.

According to details provided by the Kern County Fire Department, one of the UTV drivers was critically injured and was airlifted to the hospital for urgent medical care.

The second driver involved in the crash was also transported to the hospital, albeit with injuries deemed less severe. Fortunately, medical professionals expect this individual to recover fully, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the unfortunate incident.

The exact circumstances leading to the head-on collision are under investigation, and authorities ask the public to please remember to follow all safety precautions while using such vehicles.

Personal Injury Claims

Establishing fault in a collision can depend on various factors, and the state of California allows for partial liability to be allocated to multiple parties. Helping to determine legal liability is one of the ways that a personal injury attorney can help victims as they are recovering from a traffic accident.

Suppose it is determined that another party holds responsibility for their injuries. In that case, victims may be eligible to file a personal injury claim with the insurance provider of those at fault. A personal injury claim can provide compensation to help cover hospital fees, burial costs, and the loss of income due to time taken off work for recovery.

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