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closeup of car crashed into a tree with blurred background

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Citrus Heights, CA – A serious crash on Thursday, April 25, 2024, sent one person to the hospital in critical condition, according to KCRA. The incident occurred at around 5:20 PM at the intersection of Oak Avenue and Old Ranch Road.

One of the vehicles involved struck a tree, leading to the need for extrication to rescue the individual inside. The injured person was then rushed to a nearby hospital by Metro Fire personnel.

Although the cause of the accident is still being investigated, authorities have confirmed that alcohol was not a factor in this unfortunate event.

Wrongful Death Claims

Establishing fault in a collision can depend on multiple factors. Helping to determine legal liability is one of the ways that a personal injury attorney can help grieving families recovering from the loss of a loved one in a traffic accident.

If it is determined that another driver holds responsibility for their loved one’s death, they may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim with the insurance provider of the at-fault driver. A wrongful death claim can provide compensation to help cover hospital fees, burial costs, and the loss of support for dependents of the deceased.

Those who have been affected by an accident like the one above should consider the assistance of a compassionate personal injury attorney who can help them explore all available options.

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