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Police emergency lights

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Citrus Heights, CA – According to KCRA, a car crash in Citrus Heights on Wednesday, March 28, 2024, resulted in two individuals needing to be extricated from the vehicle after it collided with a tree.

The incident occurred on the 6500 block of Sylvan Road around 4:20 PM, as reported by the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District.

Emergency responders swiftly arrived at the scene to assist in removing the two occupants from the car. Both individuals were transported to a nearby hospital for treatment of minor to moderate injuries.

At present, the circumstances that led to the crash have not been officially confirmed.

Personal Injury Claims

Those who might find themselves in an accident like the one described above should be aware that some portion of liability for a solo-vehicle crash may be found to belong to circumstances outside the driver’s control such as irresponsible driving by other vehicles in the area or even unsafe roadway conditions for which local government bears responsibility. Those responsible for these outside factors may owe compensation to anyone injured in such a crash.

Passengers should also be aware that they may be owed compensation by the driver of their vehicle. Of course, there may be challenging emotions around filing a personal injury claim with the insurance provider of someone with whom the injured has a personal relationship. This is where the service of a compassionate personal injury attorney can prove especially helpful, in addition to negotiating with insurance providers to ensure full compensation is received.

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