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a pedestrian crossing the street at night with oncoming cars

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Bakersfield, CA – According to KBAK, a man lost his life after being struck by a vehicle on Buck Owens Boulevard around 9:21 PM on the night of Friday, March 29, 2024.

Upon receiving reports of the crash, officers from the Bakersfield Police Department responded to the scene located in the 3200 block of Buck Owens Boulevard, where they discovered a man suffering from severe injuries as a result of the collision. Despite immediate medical attention, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

Preliminary investigations conducted by the Bakersfield police indicate that the incident occurred when the driver of a white hatchback was traveling northbound on Buck Owens Boulevard. At the time of the crash, the pedestrian was reportedly in the northbound lanes.

The identity of the victim has not been disclosed publicly, pending notification of next of kin. Stay tuned for further updates as the investigation progresses.

Pedestrian Fatalities and Wrongful Death Claims

Motorists are required to exercise an additional “duty of care” towards pedestrians due to their heightened vulnerability in car accidents, which more often result in pedestrian fatalities.

In cases where a driver is found responsible for a pedestrian fatality, the victim’s family may have grounds to initiate a wrongful death claim through the driver’s insurance provider. Compensation from a wrongful death claim can help cover medical costs, burial expenses, and the financial support lost by dependents of the deceased.

Should the driver escape justice, compensation may be available from a family member’s uninsured driver coverage. Consulting with a personal injury attorney can help determine what the best options are.

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