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Fatal Pedestrian Accident Involving Hit-and-Run Driver on Ming Avenue in Bakersfield

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

A life was tragically lost in a fatal pedestrian accident that took place at a Bakersfield intersection and involved a hit-and-run driver. The accident, according to KGET, happened at the intersection of Ming Avenue and South P Street in the early morning hours of April 13, 2024.

Bakersfield Police were alerted to the scene around 2:07 a.m. where they discovered that a pedestrian accident took place between a woman and a driver who fled the scene. The pedestrian was allegedly walking across the street at the intersection when she was struck by an eastbound vehicle.

Police confirmed that the driver of the vehicle did not remain on scene and did not stop to check on the pedestrian.

Paramedics, fire crews, and several other responders were dispatched to the scene. The female pedestrian was tragically pronounced dead on scene due to her injuries. Nobody else was hurt in the accident.

Bakersfield Police continue their investigation into the circumstances of the collision at this time.

Dangers of Bakersfield Pedestrian Accidents

Unfortunately, Bakersfield pedestrian accidents continue to happen annually and take the lives of those involved. Pedestrians have virtually no protection from harm in an accident, which is why they are more likely to lose their lives in the event of a collision with a vehicle.

Recently, statistics were gathered in Bakersfield showing the reality of pedestrian accidents. In 2023, the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) estimated that a total of 157 pedestrian accidents occurred in all of Bakersfield. Out of these accidents, 18 fatalities took place and 158 people were injured.

When drivers are not paying close attention to the roads around them, a severe pedestrian accident can occur in the blink of an eye. There are many reasons for these accidents including driver distractions, speeding, intoxication, and more. Families who have lost a loved one in a hit-and-run pedestrian accident should be prepared to seek legal assistance.

After a Fatal Bakersfield Pedestrian Accident…

Family members may wonder what options they have after somebody close to them has been taken prematurely in a fatal pedestrian accident. As you are facing the unexpected grief of a fatal accident, you may wonder how you are going to keep up with the many bills that pile up.

Speaking with a Bakersfield pedestrian accident lawyer can ensure that you have the help you need and the answers to any of your questions after a fatality. You should never have to face one of these collisions on your own. With the help of a legal advocate, you can obtain a no-obligation and completely confidential case consultation.

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