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blurred pedestrian walking through a crosswalk on a city street

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Injuries were reported in a Fresno pedestrian accident that occurred on Friday night. Information provided by Your Central Valley showed that the accident happened around 7:46 p.m. at the intersection of Tulare Avenue and Seventh Street on January 26, 2024.

When Fresno Police arrived on scene, they discovered that a pedestrian was struck at the intersection by a passenger vehicle. Police did not comment on the circumstances that led to the accident but said that the driver remained on scene.

Paramedics and numerous other responders were called to the scene to help. The pedestrian, identified only as a man in his 20s, was given life-saving measures but was left in critical condition. He was rushed to a local hospital for treatment, though his current condition is not yet known.

The roadway was blocked in one or more lanes after the accident, which led to delays until the scene was cleared.

No further details have been released but the investigation into the accident remains ongoing.

Maison Law of Fresno posted details regarding this accident and how victims will be able to gain financial support.

Fresno Pedestrian Accident Hazards

Pedestrians are incredibly vulnerable parties who are likely to sustain serious or even fatal injuries in the event of an accident with a vehicle. This is why drivers owe pedestrians a duty of care to protect them from harm and watch out for them on our roads. If a driver caused a pedestrian accident due to their own negligence, they could be liable for any resulting damages.

Pedestrian accidents happen more frequently in Fresno than many other cities across Fresno County. In 2022, the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) estimated that a total of 183 pedestrian accidents occurred in all of Fresno. Out of these accidents, a total of 34 people were killed and 164 sustained injuries.

After a pedestrian accident, an individual may be left with a wide array of questions that they cannot answer on their own. It is important that they understand their legal options during these challenging times.

After a Fresno Pedestrian Accident

Getting back on your feet after a pedestrian accident is not always an easy thing to do. As you work on your physical recovery, you should not have to concern yourself with how you will afford the many bills that pile up against you. Speaking with a Fresno pedestrian accident lawyer who is compassionate about helping you through these times can ensure that your rights are being protected. You have the right to a confidential and free case review at this time.

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