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Fatal Truck Accident Involving Multiple Vehicles on Highway 152 in Chowchilla

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

One person was tragically killed and another was injured in a multi-vehicle crash involving several big rigs in Chowchilla. The accident, according to Your Central Valley, happened at 6 a.m. on Highway 152 on the morning of Thursday, January 18, 2024.

When officials responded to the scene, they found that moments of heavy fog in the area were causing issues on the highway. Three big rigs and three passenger vehicles allegedly collided due to low visibility caused by the fog, leading to extensive damages.

Paramedics and numerous other local responders were dispatched to the scene to help those in need. A Madera man was tragically pronounced dead at the scene due to traumatic injuries. A Fresno man sustained minor injuries and was hospitalized.

A large portion of the road was blocked in the area for some time after the accident.

California Highway Patrol continues to investigate the circumstances leading up to the accident.

Maison Law of Chowchilla posted details regarding the collision, as well as information for families on how to move forward after a fatal truck crash.

Chowchilla Truck Accident Dangers

With so many highways and large stretches of roads in Chowchilla, traffic is at an all-time high many hours of the day. Within seconds, a multi-vehicle collision involving large trucks could take place and lead to devastating and unexpected results. Losing a loved one is never easy but is an unfortunate reality that families face each year in Chowchilla.

According to information provided by California’s Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS), there was a total of 52 truck accidents in Madera County throughout 2021. Out of these accidents, a total of 4 people were killed and 72 sustained injuries. Though these accidents can be prevented in many ways, they still continue to happen and alter the lives of many due to negligent and reckless acts on our roads.

Where to Turn Following a Fatal Chowchilla Truck Accident

The loss of a loved one in a fatal truck accident can be life-altering and traumatic. Families often wonder what steps they can take and will have a wide array of questions they cannot answer on their own. You and your family may be entitled to a wide array of damages so that you can get back on your feet. It can be beneficial to speak with a Chowchilla wrongful death lawyer immediately so that you can move forward.

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