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Accident between car and bicycle on city street

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

A bicycle accident involving a hit-and-run driver led to injuries in Bakersfield on Sunday morning. KGETconfirmed that the collision took place at the intersection of Pesante Road and Mesa drive around 11:03 a.m. on the morning of October 22, 2023.

When California Highway Patrol arrived at the scene, they discovered that a bicyclist was struck by a passenger vehicle when they were traveling through the intersection. Though few details concerning the accident have been released, the driver of the vehicle fled the scene after striking the bicyclist.

Several Bakersfield responders, including paramedics and fire crews, were immediately dispatched to the scene to help the cyclist. The victim was rushed to a local hospital for treatment of unknown injuries.

At this time, it is not known if the driver of the responsible vehicle was located. The investigation into the collision remains ongoing.

Maison Law of Bakersfield posted details concerning this collision, as well as information for individuals after a serious bicycle accident.

Dangers of Bakersfield Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle accidents in Bakersfield and throughout Kern County have been increasing steadily over the years. No matter how many precautions drivers are urged to take, these collisions still take place within seconds due to negligent reasons.

Throughout all of 2022, the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) in California discovered that a total of 64 accidents involving bicyclists occurred in Bakersfield. Out of these accidents, it was reported that two people were killed and a total of 66 people sustained injuries.

Bicycle accidents can occur in the blink of an eye when a driver is texting or driving over the speed limit. They are more likely to lead to catastrophic damages when a bicyclist is hurt in an accident involving a hit-and-run driver who proceeds to flee the scene. This could delay a cyclist’s treatment or even take a life. Proving fault in these accidents can be complex, which is why you should seek help from a legal advocate to discuss your options.

After a Hit-and-Run Bicycle Accident in Bakersfield

Nobody ever gets on a bicycle and expects that they will experience an accident involving a negligent driver. However, this is a reality for handfuls of parties each year in Bakersfield. It can be stressful to pursue a claim on your own, especially when a hit-and-run driver is involved.

Speaking with a Bakersfield bicycle accident lawyer can increase the likelihood that you will receive the best outcome possible in your claim. With a confidential and completely free consultation, you can receive a review and possibly lessen the stress that you are feeling associated with your accident claim. You should be able to receive the damages you need to get back on your feet and return to a normal life following an accident.

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