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elderly woman pedestrian being assisted crossing the street with motion blur automobiles approaching

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Sacramento, CA — According to The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento police officers are investigating a hit-and-run incident that occurred in the early hours of Friday, May 31, 2024, leaving a pedestrian seriously injured.

The collision was reported shortly before 1 AM on 16th Street, between V and U streets, just north of the Highway 50 section of the Capital City Freeway.

Sacramento Police Department spokesman, Officer Cody Tapley, stated that upon arrival, officers found a man with severe injuries. The injured pedestrian was promptly taken to a hospital for treatment. The Sacramento PD has not released any additional details about his condition.

The driver involved in the hit-and-run had already fled the scene before authorities arrived. As of now, investigators do not have any suspect description to release.

Duty of Care Toward Pedestrians

Drivers are expected to provide a special “duty of care” toward pedestrians, who are more vulnerable and more likely to receive fatal injuries in traffic collisions. However, establishing liability can depend on multiple factors. Sorting through these complexities to determine fault is one of the services a personal injury attorney can provide.

Should the at-fault driver escape justice, compensation may be available from a family member’s uninsured driver coverage. Consulting with a personal injury attorney can help determine what the best options are.

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