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driving under the influence of alcohol in a tunnel

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Hanford, CA – A 22-year-old woman is in critical condition following a single-vehicle rollover crash on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, according to KSEE. The accident occurred around 7 AM, near Flint Avenue, east of Highway 43.

CHP officials reported that the Fresno Communications Center received a call about the crash and dispatched officers to the scene. Upon investigation, it was determined that a woman was driving a white 2006 Chevrolet 1500 truck westbound on Flint Avenue at an unknown speed.

The woman reportedly made an unsafe turn to the right, causing her vehicle to veer off the roadway and overturn multiple times. The severity of the crash was exacerbated by the fact that the driver was not wearing a seatbelt, resulting in her being ejected from the truck and sustaining critical injuries.

CHP officials also revealed that the woman was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. The exact cause of the crash remains under investigation as authorities continue to gather information.

Liability in Single-Vehicle Collisions

In certain situations, investigations may uncover that some liability for a single-vehicle collision falls on other drivers nearby or even on unsafe roadway structures. Sorting through these details to help victims and their families secure proper compensation is one of the key services a personal injury attorney offers.

After establishing liability, a personal injury attorney can negotiate with insurance companies on the victim’s behalf. Insurance companies invariably aim to minimize payouts for claims they cannot deny, making legal representation crucial for obtaining fair compensation.

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