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car on fire at night with police lights in background

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

El Cajon, CA – Times of San Diego reports that, on Sunday, January 28, 2024, an unidentified motorist lost his life, and a toddler suffered severe injuries in a wrong-way crash on Interstate 8 near El Cajon Valley High School.

According to the California Highway Patrol (CHP), the incident occurred around 7:30 PM when the driver of a 2017 Chevrolet Silverado was traveling east on the westbound side of the freeway.

For yet-unknown reasons, the Silverado veered off the roadway near El Cajon Valley High School, striking a concrete guardrail wall, then continuing to cross a center median and collide with another barrier on the west side of Second Street.

The impact sent chunks of broken concrete flying, hitting several vehicles on the city street. Tragically, a 17-month-old child in one of the affected vehicles sustained serious injuries.

The pickup truck ultimately crashed onto a sidewalk on the east side of Second Street and burst into flames. Despite attempts by bystanders to rescue the driver, described only as male, he succumbed to the flames before emergency services could intervene.

Emergency medical services swiftly arrived at the scene, transporting the injured toddler to Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego. Although the injuries are serious, they are reportedly non-life-threatening.

California Highway Patrol Public Affairs Officer Jared Grieshaber provided these details and emphasized that the incident is under investigation.

Wrongful Death Claims

If investigations reveal that the un-named driver’s crash had been the result of another driver’s actions, his family may be able to file a wrongful death claim with the insurance provider of the at-fault driver.

The compensation provided by a wrongful death claim can relieve the financial burdens created by medical expenses, burial costs, and the loss of income to support any dependents of the deceased.

Insurance companies will work to reduce any claim they cannot deny, which is where the help of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can prove invaluable by negotiating on behalf of victims and their families to ensure they receive proper compensation.

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