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An ambulance car parked on the side street at night

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Fresno, CA — A pedestrian is hospitalized in critical condition following a collision with a vehicle at a Fresno intersection on Friday morning, July 26, 2024, according to The Fresno Bee.

The crash occurred at the intersection of Shaw and Valentine Avenues, a high-traffic area known for its busy commercial activity and frequent foot traffic. Officers from the Fresno Police Department arrived at the scene to find a man lying in the road. Emergency medical personnel promptly transported the injured pedestrian to the hospital, where he remains in critical condition.

Fresno Police reported that a white vehicle was traveling eastbound on Shaw Avenue in the No. 2 lane when it struck the pedestrian at approximately 10:30 AM . The man was crossing southbound on Valentine Avenue in the crosswalk, but according to Tran, he did not have the green light at the time of the collision. The driver of the vehicle stayed at the scene and cooperated with authorities. The car sustained noticeable damage to its windshield as a result of the impact.

The Fresno Police Department is working to piece together the details of the incident and is seeking any additional information from witnesses who may have observed the event.

Duty of Care Toward Pedestrians

Drivers are entrusted with a specific “Duty of Care” towards pedestrians, who are more vulnerable and prone to fatal injuries in traffic accidents. Nevertheless, establishing liability can be intricate and influenced by various factors. This process of sorting through complexities to determine fault is one of the crucial services that a personal injury attorney can offer.

Even after fault is determined, insurance companies often strive to minimize claims they cannot reject outright. This is where a personal injury attorney can be invaluable, advocating on behalf of victims to secure the full compensation they rightfully deserve.

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