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A father holds his son's hand while crossing the road

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

A desperate search for answers after a Bakersfield pedestrian accident victim is hospitalized after a hit-and-run.  It happened in west Bakersfield along Stockdale Highway Sunday afternoon. Bakersfield Police say it occurred shortly before 3:30 p.m. on July 23, 2023.

KGET-TV reports the collision took place on the stretch of highway between Chapala Driver and Renfro Road. Police officers arrived on the scene to find a male victim face down on the road. He was treated for major injuries and was then rushed to a nearby hospital. There’s been no update on the condition of the victim.

The accident became even more tragic after police discovered that no motorist had remained on the scene to accept the blame for the accident and make sure the victim got help. Investigators continue to search for a hit-and-run suspect, but they have not released a description of the suspect or the suspect’s vehicle.

If you saw what happened or have information about the person responsible, please reach out to the Bakersfield police department.

Maison Law also posted details about this accident, including information on what victims and their family members can do to receive support after a Bakersfield pedestrian accident.

Hit-And-Run Pedestrian Accident Hazards in Bakersfield

Pedestrians travel Bakersfield with little protection from careless drivers who run up and down our streets. Someone on foot can be struck by a car, truck, or SUV and suffer life-threatening injuries. And in the case of a heartless hit-and-run collision, victims can lay on a road surface for critical extra minutes when a driver races off from the scene and alerts no one to what happened. Victims may also be left in the path of other drivers approaching the scene unaware that someone is down in the road.

Recent accident data shows that Bakersfield recorded over 114 pedestrian accidents involving injury in 2022. Those incidents led to at least 20 deaths. What’s more, 28 of those total accidents involved felony hit-and-run drivers. Almost half of the fatal pedestrian accidents in 2022 involved a hit-and-run driver.

These awful cases can also leave surviving victims and their family members to pay the enormous costs of medical care that a pedestrian accident patient will need. Motorists should always be on the lookout for pedestrians in crosswalks and outside of crosswalks and they must be held responsible when they strike a pedestrian.

A word for hit-and-run accident victims in Bakersfield…

Victims injured in a hit-and-run accident are encouraged to stay informed of every benefit available to them through a pedestrian accident injury claim. A Bakersfield Pedestrian Accident Lawyer will discuss your case with you and your family in a free consultation and make sure you don’t forfeit your rights to seek support through such a difficult time.

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