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a pedestrian crossing the street at night with oncoming cars

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Fresno, CA – A pedestrian was hospitalized after being struck by a vehicle at the intersection of Blackstone and Princeton Avenues on Saturday night, July 29, 2024, according to The Fresno Bee. The Fresno Police Department reported that officers responded to the scene around 9:15 PM.

Emergency responders quickly transported the pedestrian, identified only as male, to a nearby hospital for treatment. The driver involved in the incident remained at the scene and is fully cooperating with the investigation. Authorities have stated that there are no indications that the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the collision.

Authorities are continuing their investigation to determine the exact circumstances leading up to the collision.

Duty of Care Toward Pedestrians

Drivers are entrusted with a specific “Duty of Care” towards pedestrians, who are more vulnerable and prone to fatal injuries in traffic accidents. Nevertheless, establishing liability can be intricate and influenced by various factors. This process of sorting through complexities to determine fault is one of the crucial services that a personal injury attorney can offer.

Even after fault is determined, insurance companies often strive to minimize claims they cannot reject outright. This is where a personal injury attorney can be invaluable, advocating on behalf of victims to secure the full compensation they rightfully deserve.

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