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Pedestrian walking on zebra crossing and a driving car failing to stop in blurred motion.

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

One person lost their life in a tragic pedestrian accident that occurred on a major Visalia highway on Tuesday. According to an ABC30 news report, the accident took place at 9 p.m. on Highway 99 near Paige Avenue on the night of November 21, 2023.

When officials with California Highway Patrol arrived on scene, they discovered that a pedestrian was struck by multiple vehicles on the highway. At the time, they allegedly left the right shoulder to cross the highway when they were struck by the vehicles. It is believed that the involved drivers remained on scene after the accident.

Several Visalia responders were dispatched to the scene to assist the pedestrian, who sustained severe injuries in the accident. Unfortunately, they were tragically pronounced dead while there.

One northbound lane of Highway 99 was blocked for several hours as police worked to clear the scene.

California Highway Patrol officials continue their investigation into the circumstances that led to the accident.

Maison Law of Visalia posted details regarding this accident, as well as information for families after a Visalia pedestrian accident.

Dangers of Visalia Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable parties on our roads in Visalia and throughout the rest of California. This means that, in the event of an accident, a pedestrian is likely to sustain life-altering injuries and even sometimes lose their life in an accident.

Visalia is no stranger to pedestrian accidents. In just 2022, the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) estimated that 42 pedestrian accidents took place in Visalia alone. Out of these accidents, 5 people were killed and 45 sustained serious injuries. A total of 10 of these accidents happened on state highways.

When a family loses a pedestrian in an accident, they may wonder how they can move forward during these highly emotional times. Families are urged to speak with a wrongful death lawyer who has handled these claims in the past and can help them receive damages for aspects like medical expenses a loved one incurred, funeral costs, pain and suffering, and more.

After a Fatal Pedestrian Accident in Visalia

From the time that you receive a phone call stating that a loved one has lost their life in an accident, you may be feeling alone and confused. It can be stressful to move forward both emotionally and financially during these times, which is why you should speak with a legal advocate immediately.

Having the help of a Visalia pedestrian accident lawyer on your side can be one of the best ways to handle your complex wrongful death claim after a fatal accident. Our attorneys are ready to speak with you and offer you a free and completely confidential case consultation. We believe that you should never delay seeking assistance with a claim, as you reserve the right to return to normalcy.

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