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One Life Taken in Fatal Pedestrian Crash on Channing Avenue in Fresno

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

A woman lost her life in a fatal pedestrian crash that occurred in Fresno on Monday night. ABC30 reported that the accident happened at 7 p.m. at the Channing Avenue and Clinton Avenue intersection on December 18, 2023.

When Fresno Police were dispatched to the scene, they discovered that a female pedestrian was on the road after being struck by a vehicle. The driver of the vehicle remained on scene. Police did not say if the woman was walking alongside the road or crossing the intersection at the time.

When EMS arrived on scene, they found the pedestrian was already deceased due to the extent of her injuries. The pedestrian was identified as a 43-year-old local woman. Nobody else sustained injuries in the crash.

Due to the severity of the accident, the intersection was blocked for some time after the accident. Police worked to quickly clear the scene.

Fresno Police continue to investigate the collision at this time.

Maison Law of Fresno posted details about this accident and information on how families can get back on their feet after a fatal accident.

Fresno Pedestrian Accident Hazards

Pedestrians have special protections on our roads, as drivers are supposed to always be on the lookout for these vulnerable parties. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents still occur every year due to the outright reckless actions of others. Some of the negligent acts that cause these accidents include drunk driving, speeding, distracted driving, and more.

Fresno sees an extensive number of pedestrian accidents every year, being a large city in California. In all of 2022, in fact, it was estimated by California’s Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) that a total of 183 pedestrian accidents happened in Fresno. Out of these accidents, a total of 34 people were killed and 164 were injured due to these accidents.

Due to the alarming number of pedestrian accidents that take place every year in Fresno, measures are constantly being taken to prevent accidents on our roads. If you have lost a loved one due to a Fresno pedestrian accident, you and your family may find that there are options for recovery during these difficult times.

What Families Can Do After a Fatal Pedestrian Accident in Fresno

It is never easy to get back on your feet after you have suffered the loss of a loved one due to a Fresno pedestrian accident. Luckily, with the help of a Fresno pedestrian accident lawyer, you can ensure that your rights are being protected. You qualify for a completely confidential and free case review that comes with no obligation to your family.

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