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Paramedics Saving Life of a Traffic Accident Victim who is Lying on Stretcher

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Folsom, CA — A motorcyclist was hospitalized following a vehicle collision with another vehicle in Folsom on Thursday afternoon, May 23, 2024, according to KCRA.

Authorities responded to the accident, which involved a motorcycle and another vehicle, at the intersection of East Bidwell Street and Creekside Drive around 4:30 PM.

The extent of the motorcyclist’s injuries has not yet been confirmed, and the condition of the occupants in the other vehicle remains unclear at this time.

In response to the crash, Folsom police closed Creekside Drive between East Bidwell Street and North Lexington Drive. This section of the road remained closed until 7:50 PM as officers conducted their investigation into the incident.

Personal Injury Claims

After a vehicular accident, in addition to emotional distress, victims and their families can be overwhelmed with the sudden financial burdens of medical bills, loss of income due to recovery time, and, in unfortunate circumstances, burial fees.

The responsibility for these costs should fall upon those responsible for causing these injuries and their insurance provider. However, insurance companies will try to minimize the compensation for any claim they cannot deny, which is why having the help of a skilled personal injury attorney can prove crucial in ensuring justice for victims of vehicular accidents.

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