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Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

A man lost his life in a fatal pedestrian collision that occurred on a major roadway in Bakersfield on Tuesday night. KGET reported that the accident took place around 6:34 p.m. on the evening of January 2, 2024 on Highway 99 near Olive Drive.

California Highway Patrol immediately responded to the scene after they received a call that a man was struck in the second lane of traffic on Highway 99. They found that the man was thrown by the first vehicle into another lane and struck by a second and then third vehicle. The driver of the first vehicle allegedly fled the scene without stopping to check on the victim.

When EMS crews arrived on scene, they found the pedestrian male with traumatic injuries. He was tragically pronounced dead on scene. Nobody else was hurt in the accident.

Police searched for the first driver involved in the accident but did not say if they found the driver or made any arrests as of yet.

The investigation into the circumstances of the accident continues at this time.

Maison Law of Bakersfield posted details about this specific accident and information for families who hope to recover financially after a fatal pedestrian crash.

Dangers of Bakersfield Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians are the most vulnerable parties involved in accidents with passenger vehicles each year. This is due to the fact that they have virtually no protection from harm in an accident involving a vehicle. Unfortunately, when a driver flees the scene of an accident, they are putting a pedestrian at an even further risk. The pedestrian may not receive timely medical attention, which can risk their life.

California’s Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) has estimated that a total of 129 pedestrian accidents were reported in all of Bakersfield in 2022. Out of these accidents, 35 people were killed and 106 sustained serious injuries. A total of 14 of these accidents occurred on state highways and all of the other accidents happened elsewhere.

Losing somebody close to you in a pedestrian accident can forever alter your life, leaving you with a variety of questions that you cannot answer on your own. You may also struggle to prove who is at fault in one of these cases, leaving you to feel helpless and alone. Families are urged to seek legal help as soon as possible after a fatal accident that has taken the life of a loved one.

After a Fatal Pedestrian Accident in Bakersfield

Receiving a call that a loved one has been taken from you in a fatal pedestrian accident can alter your life forever. It can be stressful and confusing to pursue a wrongful death claim, which is why you should always have legal help on your side during these challenging times.

Reaching out to a Bakersfield pedestrian accident lawyer can ensure that your rights are being protected as you bring a wrongful death claim in California. We will assist you on both emotional and financial levels, compassionately providing you with the resources that you need to be successful in your claim. You deserve to have a normal life after these immense losses.

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