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Two demolished SUVs on the road following a head-on collision

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Santa Cruz County, CA — A serious head-on collision along Highway 9 near Fern Street resulted in major injuries on Sunday afternoon, June 9, 2024, according to KSBW.

The crash occurred along a stretch of Highway 9, a route known for its winding roads and picturesque views but also for its potential hazards. The exact time of the collision has not been disclosed.

Emergency responders arrived swiftly at the scene, where they found one of the involved parties with severe injuries necessitating immediate medical attention. Given the severity of the injuries, the individual was airlifted to a nearby hospital for urgent care. The identity of the injured party has not yet been released.

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) has stated that neither alcohol nor drugs are believed to be contributing factors in this accident. Authorities are working diligently to piece together the events leading up to the collision to understand what caused the two vehicles to collide head-on.

Personal Injury Claims

After a vehicular accident, in addition to emotional distress, victims and their families can be overwhelmed with the sudden financial burdens of medical bills, loss of income due to recovery time, and, in unfortunate circumstances, burial fees.

The responsibility for these costs should fall upon those responsible for causing these injuries and their insurance provider. However, insurance companies will try to minimize the compensation for any claim they cannot deny, which is why having the help of a skilled personal injury attorney can prove crucial in ensuring justice for victims of vehicular accidents.

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