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a pedestrian crossing the street at night with oncoming cars

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Mojave, CA — A pedestrian was fatally injured in a hit-and-run collision late Thursday night, August 22, 2024, in Mojave, according to KGET.

The incident occurred just before 9 PM on Sierra Highway near Belshaw Street, a stretch of road that, despite being a key route through the area, sees relatively low traffic during the late evening hours.

According to officials, the pedestrian was struck by a red Nissan sedan. Witnesses reported that the driver immediately fled the scene, leaving the victim in the roadway. Despite the efforts of first responders, the pedestrian succumbed to their injuries at the scene. The victim’s identity has not yet been released, pending notification of next of kin by the Kern County Coroner’s Office.

Authorities are actively searching for the driver of the red Nissan sedan, which was last seen heading south on Sierra Highway.

Pedestrian Fatalities and Wrongful Death Claims

Motorists bear an added responsibility, known as the “Duty of Care,” towards pedestrians due to their heightened vulnerability in car accidents, often leading to pedestrian fatalities.

For those who have lost someone in a vehicular fatality, a Wrongful Death claim, made with the help of an experienced personal injury attorney, can provide compensation to alleviate the financial strain of laying their loved one to rest.

California Hit-and-Run Laws

California Law requires drivers involved in a collision to stop their vehicle, notify law enforcement, and exchange insurance information with others involved. Failure to do so, considered to be a “hit-and-run,” is a misdemeanor in cases of property damage and a felony when someone has been injured.

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