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Head-on Collision on Highway 65 in Porterville Injures Two Parties

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Two people sustained injuries in a serious head-on collision that took place in Porterville on Friday night. Information provided by Your Central Valley confirmed that the accident happened on Highway 65 around the area of Highway 190 at 11 p.m. on December 1, 2023.

According to California Highway Patrol, two vehicles were involved in the accident on the highway. Police arrived at the scene and discovered that a Honda Civic was headed northbound in the southbound lanes of traffic. The Honda slammed into a Dodge Challenger head-on that was headed south at the time.

Several local responders, including paramedics, were dispatched to the scene to help those in need. The driver of the Dodge sustained moderate injuries and was transported to the hospital by ambulance. The driver of the Honda sustained major injuries and was rushed to the hospital by medical helicopter. Their identities and conditions are not yet known but police verified that both parties were adult males.

Due to the severity of the collision, a portion of the road was blocked for some time. Police continue their investigation into the circumstances of the collision at this time.

Maison Law of Porterville posted details regarding this accident for victims and their families seeking accident support.

Head-on Collision Hazards in Porterville

Throughout the years, head-on collisions have become a normal occurrence on Porterville roads. In 2022, in fact, the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) discovered that 30 total head-on crashes took place throughout Porterville. Out of these accidents, one person was killed and 54 sustained injuries.

Head-on collisions are known for being incredibly catastrophic in nature due to the speed and force generally involved in these accidents. This means that a head-on collision is likely to lead to serious injuries or even take the lives of those involved. Victims of these devastating accidents may wonder how they can get back on their feet during these difficult times.

After a Car Accident in Porterville

Being involved in a stressful head-on collision can be a challenging thing to face, especially if you have been left with serious physical injuries. It is not unusual to question how you will keep up with the many bills that pile up against you. You have options if you choose to move forward with a personal injury claim.

Speaking with a Porterville car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident can be extremely beneficial. We believe that you should never have to deal with the stressful aftermath of an accident on your own.

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