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overturned suv Smoking Lying on its Roof in the Middle of the Road after Collision.

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

An elderly man was killed in a fatal rollover accident that took place at an intersection in Salinas. According to Kion546, the collision happened at the intersection of River Road and Las Palmas Parkway around 2:40 p.m. on the afternoon of Saturday, February 3, 2024.

According to California Highway Patrol, the accident involved an Audi sedan and a Ford pickup truck. A woman was headed south in the area in her Audi when she suddenly crossed over the double yellow line, colliding with the Ford pickup truck. The truck flipped onto its roof as a result.

Several local responders, including paramedics and fire crews, were dispatched to the scene to help those in need. The driver of the Ford, identified as a 79-year-old man from Pacific Grove, was tragically pronounced dead on scene due to his injuries. A female passenger inside his vehicle was taken to the hospital with injuries.

The driver of the Audi was also hospitalized with injuries but is expected to be okay. Police did not say what led up to the accident.

California Highway Patrol continues its investigation into the accident at this time.

Maison Law of Salinas posted details regarding this accident and what families can do as they move forward with a wrongful death claim.

Dangers of Fatal Salinas Car Accidents

Car accidents can range anywhere from minor to catastrophic in nature, sometimes forever altering the lives of those involved in them. In fact, many lives are lost each year due to fatal car accidents in Salinas.

According to statistics provided by the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS), handfuls of fatal accidents occurred in all of Monterey County in 2022. In that year, it was reported that 47 fatal accidents happened throughout the county, with 55 people losing their lives and 21 sustaining injuries. Salinas is no stranger to these horrific accidents that take lives each year.

Drivers are urged to pay close attention to the roads around them so that fatal accidents can be prevented. If you have lost somebody close to you in a fatal accident caused by a driver’s negligence, it is important that you find out more about your available legal options.

After a Fatal Car Accident in Salinas

When you find out that a loved one has been taken from you in a fatal car accident, your life could be both affected emotionally and financially. You should not have to worry about the stress of how you will afford to pay the bills that pile up against you, which is why having legal help can be incredibly beneficial.

Speaking with a Salinas wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible after the loss of a loved one can ensure that you have the protections that you need during these difficult times. You should never have to stand alone following the loss of a loved one in an accident.

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