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shadows of pedestrians in a crosswalk on a road

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

On Sunday evening, a man was killed in a fatal pedestrian accident on a roadway in Madera. Your Central Valley reported that the accident occurred at 700 South G Street around 7 p.m. on October 1, 2023.

When Madera Police Department officials arrived on scene, they found that an adult male pedestrian was walking in the area when he was suddenly struck by a vehicle due to reasons that are not yet known. The driver of the vehicle remained on scene following the accident.

Various responders, including EMS crews in Madera, were dispatched to the scene to help the pedestrian. He sustained major injuries and crews attempted to save his life. However, they were unsuccessful and he was tragically pronounced deceased on scene.

Nobody else was injured as a result of the collision. Police blocked off a portion of the road after the accident until they were able to clear the scene.

Madera Police continue to investigate the collision at this time.

Maison Law of Madera posted details regarding this accident, as well as information on how families can move forward financially after a fatal pedestrian accident.

Dangers of Madera Pedestrian Accidents

Because pedestrians have no protection from harm in an accident involving a vehicle, they are likely to become severely injured or even killed in an accident. Drivers are urged to pay close attention to the roads around them so these accidents can be prevented but, tragically, many still do each year in Madera and beyond.

In the entire 2022 year, the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) found that 16 total pedestrian accidents took place. Out of these accidents, one individual was killed and 15 more sustained injuries of various types. This was fewer pedestrian accidents than in 2021, when Madera saw a total of 26 pedestrian-related accidents, with 4 individuals losing their lives. These accidents continue to occur and wreak havoc on victims in Madera each year.

Families are sometimes left in difficult positions after a fatal pedestrian accident. While they grieve, it is not always easy to handle the bills that pile up against them. This can lead to many stressful scenarios that are challenging to move on from during these life-altering times.

Following a Fatal Pedestrian Accident in Madera

It can be traumatic and unexpected to face a fatal pedestrian accident in Madera. Families wonder how they will get back on their feet now that a loved one is not bringing in income and the insurance company continues to call. Bringing a wrongful death claim can be a complex matter but sometimes it is necessary for a family to move forward.

Speaking with a Madera pedestrian accident lawyer might be one of the most beneficial things that your family can do after an accident. You and your family should not have to wait another moment to recover losses that can help you get back on your feet.

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