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pedestrians and cars passing through a crosswalk

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

A man lost his life in a fatal Bakersfield pedestrian accident on Sunday morning. KGET reported that the accident happened at 2:38 a.m. on Meacham Road in Bakersfield on Sunday morning, September 17, 2023.

When Bakersfield Police Department officials arrived on scene, they found that a male driver was traveling west when he suddenly struck a male pedestrian who was walking alongside the road or crossing the street. The pedestrian was walking west at the time. Police claim that the driver who struck the pedestrian remained on scene.

EMS crews were called to the scene and rushed the male pedestrian to a local hospital. He sustained traumatic injuries and was tragically pronounced dead while there. Nobody else was hurt in the accident.

Due to the severity of the accident, a large portion of the road was blocked in the area for some time. Police worked to clear the scene.

Bakersfield Police continue their investigation into the circumstances of the accident at this time.

Maison Law in Bakersfield also posted details concerning this pedestrian accident and how families can secure damages following a fatal accident.

Bakersfield Pedestrian Accident Hazards

Drivers are always supposed to stay alert of the road around them in Bakersfield and beyond. Because pedestrians have no real protection from harm in the event of an accident, they are likely to receive catastrophic injuries or even lose their lives in an accident involving a vehicle. Many devastating pedestrian accidents that take lives happen throughout Kern County each year.

In just 2022 alone, the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) reported that 125 pedestrian accidents took place throughout the entirety of Bakersfield. This was slightly higher than the 123 pedestrian accidents that were reported in Bakersfield in 2021.

These alarming numbers have called for changes in Bakersfield over the years, with drivers being urged to watch out for pedestrians at all times, especially in busy areas. If a loved one has been taken from you prematurely due to a fatal pedestrian accident, it is crucial that you and your family understand that you have options for recovery.

What Families Can Do Following a Fatal Pedestrian Accident

Many families find that it is difficult to move forward after someone close to them has lost their life in a fatal pedestrian accident. Speaking with a Bakersfield pedestrian accident lawyer can put your claim into perspective so that you know what you are facing in the midst of the complex legal system. You qualify for a free and confidential case consultation that is absolutely no obligation to your family.

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