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Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

A man was killed in a fatal semi-truck accident involving two other hit-and-run drivers in Le Grand on Sunday morning. According to ABC30 reports, the collision took place on Highway 99 around 6:30 a.m. on the evening of October 15, 2023.

California Highway Patrol responders were dispatched to the scene. When they arrived, they found a 49-year-old man lying in the roadway who was struck by a semi-truck and then two other vehicles. The drivers of the passenger vehicles fled the scene but the driver of the truck remained on scene to cooperate with police.

Paramedics tragically pronounced the pedestrian dead on scene due to traumatic injuries. Nobody else was hurt as a result of the accident.

Police searched for the drivers of the two passenger vehicles, who will likely be charged with felony hit-and-run. Their investigation into the circumstances of the accident continues.

Maison Law of Le Grand posted details concerning this accident. They also shared information for families regarding how to move forward after a fatal pedestrian accident.

Dangers of Le Grand Fatal Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians are incredibly vulnerable parties, especially when involved in accidents with passenger vehicles or large trucks. When an accident occurs, a pedestrian is likely to receive severe injuries or even lose their life.

In Merced County in just 2022, the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) in California estimated that 93 people were involved in pedestrian accidents. Out of these accidents, approximately 12 people were killed and 95 sustained life-altering injuries. Pedestrian accidents continue to be a real problem in Le Grand and throughout the rest of California every year, which is why drivers are urged to take precautions at all times.

There are many reasons for fatal pedestrian accidents, from distracted driving to speeding drivers. Families will have to show that one or more parties are liable for the loss of their loved one if they wish to move forward with a claim. During these challenging times, a family should consider their legal options.

After a Fatal Pedestrian Accident in Le Grand

Nobody ever anticipates a phone call saying that a loved one has been taken from them prematurely due to an accident. When you have sustained these losses, it is crucial that you act quickly to retain your rights. Even though you are grieving, this doesn’t mean that the insurance company will stop calling you.

If you choose to speak with a Le Grand pedestrian accident lawyer serving those in Merced, you will find that the stress you feel associated with your claim will be less than if you handled it alone. We offer families a free and confidential case consultation where we answer all of your questions during these difficult times. We believe that you should not have to worry about the bills that keep piling up as you are grieving.

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