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Sport Utility Vehicle Police Cruiser Emergency Assistance on the City Street.

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Bakersfield, CA – On the morning of Thursday, February 15, 2024, a male pedestrian was killed in a hit-and-run at the intersection of Cottonwood Road and East Pacheco, according to KBAK.

Around 2:09 AM, officers of the Bakersfield Police Department were called to the scene to find the pedestrian dead in the roadway. Investigations suggest the man was walking on the east shoulder of Cottonwood when he was struck at high speed by a southbound vehicle.

Pedestrian Fatalities and Wrongful Death Claims

Motorists are required to exercise an additional “duty of care” towards pedestrians due to their heightened vulnerability in car accidents, which more often result in pedestrian fatalities.

In cases where a driver is found responsible for a pedestrian fatality, the victim’s family may have grounds to initiate a wrongful death claim through the driver’s insurance provider. Compensation from a wrongful death claim can help cover medical costs, burial expenses, and the financial support lost by dependents of the deceased.

If the at-fault driver evades justice, a grieving family may still be able to receive compensation through uninsured driver’s coverage. A personal attorney can help determine if this would be a good option.

Insurance companies aim to minimize payouts for claims they cannot outright deny. That is why the services of a proficient personal injury attorney can prove crucial for grieving families through the complexities of seeking justice for their loved ones.

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