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white and blue car damaged after car crash in the roadway

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

A man lost his life in a tragic collision involving two vehicles that occurred in Bakersfield. The accident, according to Bakersfield Now, took place at 10:31 a.m. on Highway 178 on the morning of Saturday, March 30, 2024.

When California Highway Patrol arrived on scene, they found that two vehicles collided head-on with one another on Highway 178, close to the Doyle Ranch area. A Subaru was traveling east at the time while a Toyota was headed west. Due to reasons that are still being investigated, the two collided head-on near the double yellow line.

Several emergency responders were dispatched to the scene. The driver of the Subaru, identified as a 42-year-old man, tragically lost his life at the scene due to traumatic injuries caused by the accident. There were two passengers inside either of the vehicles who were severely injured and hospitalized. The driver of the Toyota also sustained severe injuries and was rushed to the hospital.

No further details have been released but California Highway Patrol continues its investigation.

Maison Law of Bakersfield posted details regarding this accident, as well as information related to families and what they can do following a fatal accident.

Bakersfield Car Accident Dangers

Bakersfield is home to many major highways and intersections. With a large population and individuals traveling throughout the city every day, it is not uncommon to see accidents in many areas. Head-on collisions in Bakersfield commonly lead to serious and even fatal results.

California’s Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) recently updated information regarding accidents in 2023. According to their information, a total of 45 fatal car accidents took place across Bakersfield in 2023. Out of these accidents, 48 individuals lost their lives and 26 were injured. Approximately 24.4% of these accidents occurred on state highways.

Drivers can prevent head-on collisions when they choose not to engage in reckless driving such as speeding, driving distracted, or driving while intoxicated.

Where to Turn Following a Fatal Bakersfield Car Accident

Families have many options available for them after they have lost somebody close to them in a fatal collision. It can be incredibly challenging to file a wrongful death claim after a fatal accident, especially if you are unfamiliar with California laws. After a loved one has lost their life in an accident, you should be able to grieve your losses without worrying about how you will get back on your feet financially. Speaking with a Bakersfield wrongful death lawyer is in your best interests. It is crucial that you act quickly to retain a free and confidential case consultation.

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