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A patient is unloaded from an ambulance at a hospital emergency department

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Burlingame, CA – According to NBC Bay Area News, on the morning of Thursday, February 1, 2024, on northbound Interstate 280, a single-vehicle collision resulted in one fatality.

Just before 6:40 AM, south of Trousdale Drive, a gray Honda sedan swerved for unknown reasons. The driver then lost control of the vehicle, sending it down an embankment where it crashed into a tree.

The Honda contained multiple passengers. One died following the crash, while other passengers received transportation to the hospital for treatment of their injuries.

The cause of this crash is still under investigation.

Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims

The insurance that drivers are required to carry should cover injuries caused to passengers of their vehicle while they are driving, as well as other cars and people outside the vehicle. Even in cases where passengers personally know the driver who caused their injuries, they can make a personal injury claim to help cover medical expenses and lost income due to time away from work for recovery.

Sometimes an apparent single-vehicle crash can be caused by the driver of that vehicle reacting to the reckless choices of another driver on the road. In cases where this results in a fatality, families of the deceased can pursue a wrongful death claim. The compensation provided by a wrongful death claim can go toward burial costs as well as loss of support toward any dependents of the deceased.

In these various cases, victims and their families can ensure the best outcome for themselves by seeking help from a knowledgeable personal injury attorney. Not only can a good personal injury attorney help sort through questions of liability for a case, but they can also negotiate with insurance companies on behalf of victims to secure proper compensation.

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