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 Aftermath of a car crash accident at a very busy intersection.

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Rancho Cordova, CA – A car accident in Rancho Cordova on the evening of Friday, January 28, 2024, led to two individuals being taken to the hospital with serious injuries, as reported by ABC 10.

The collision, which took place in the 11000 block of Olson Drive around 6 PM, involved a head-on crash between two cars. Upon arrival at the scene, Sacramento Metro Fire crews found two people injured, who were transported to the hospital due to the severity of their injuries.

As of now, no further information has been made available regarding the circumstances surrounding the crash. This is an ongoing investigation.

Having the assistance of a personal injury attorney is crucial when navigating the complexities of filing an insurance claim after a car accident. An experienced attorney can provide invaluable guidance in the legal process, assess damages, and negotiate with insurance companies to ensure fair compensation.

Their support not only enhances the likelihood of a favorable outcome but also alleviates the emotional burden on the injured party, allowing them to focus on recovery while the attorney handles the legal aspects of the claim.

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