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Female and Male EMS Paramedics Provide Medical Help to an Injured Patient on the Way to Hospital in ambulance

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Sacramento County, CA – The Sacramento Bee reports that a driver was killed in a single-vehicle crash along Highway 160 on Tuesday morning, October 8, 2024.

The accident occurred approximately 11 miles north of Highway 220, near the small community of Ryde in the scenic Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta region.

Authorities have not yet released the identity of the driver or determined the exact cause of the crash. The wreck left the vehicle severely damaged, and emergency crews worked for hours to clear the scene. Caltrans officials confirmed that the highway remained closed for several hours but reopened to traffic just before 11 AM.

Investigators continue to look into the cause of the accident, with updates expected once more information becomes available. The Sacramento County Coroner’s Office will release the driver’s identity once the family has been notified.

Liability in Single-Vehicle Collisions

In some cases, investigations may reveal that even in a single-vehicle accident, nearby drivers or unsafe road features share some responsibility. A personal injury attorney plays a critical role in sorting through these details to help victims and their families get the compensation they deserve.

Once liability is determined, the attorney can negotiate with insurance companies, who often try to reduce payouts. That means having legal representation can be vital to ensure victims receive fair compensation for their loss.

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