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Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Modesto, CA – According to the Modesto Bee, on the night of Tuesday, February 6, 2024, a two-vehicle crash at East Briggsmore and Rose Avenues hospitalized a Stockton man and Modesto woman.

Authorities the Modesto woman to have been intoxicated when her Kia Optima collided with the other driver in his Ford Fiesta, pinning him inside. The Modesto Fire Department rescued the Ford driver from his car, and both received transportation to a hospital for their injuries.

Personal Injury Claims

When the actions of reckless drivers lead to injuries for others, the cost of caring for those injuries should not fall upon their victims. Filing a claim with the insurance provider of the at-fault driver can offer compensation to help cover medical bills and time taken off of work to recover from injuries.

However, insurance companies always have it in their interests to deny or minimize all claims they receive, which is why the help of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can make all the difference.

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