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paramedics applying an oxygen mask to a female accident victim in a stretcher

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Bakersfield, CA — Southeast of Greenfield, on the night of Saturday, February 3, 2024, one person lost their life and three juvenile passengers suffered major injuries in a single-vehicle crash, as reported by KGET.

The vehicle was traveling eastbound on Curnow Road around 9 PM when it failed to stop at the T-intersection with Cottonwood Road for reasons yet to be determined. It left the road and collided with a dirt berm along the Central Branch Kern Island Canal.

While three juvenile passengers were promptly transported to Kern Medical for treatment of severe injuries, the 25-year-old driver of the vehicle was pronounced dead at the scene.

Authorities are actively investigating the circumstances surrounding the crash. The possibility of drugs or alcohol being contributing factors remains unknown.

Personal Injury Claims

After a vehicular accident, in addition to emotional distress, victims and their families can be overwhelmed with the sudden financial burdens of medical bills, loss of income due to recovery time, and, in unfortunate circumstances, burial fees.

The responsibility for these costs should fall upon the driver responsible for such injuries and their insurance provider. However, insurance companies will try to minimize the compensation for any claim they cannot deny, which is why having the help of a skilled personal injury attorney can prove crucial in ensuring justice for victims of vehicular accidents.

Wrongful Death Claims

Establishing fault in a collision can depend on multiple factors. Helping to determine legal liability is one of the ways that a personal injury attorney can help grieving families recovering from the loss of a loved one in a traffic accident.

If it is determined that another driver holds responsibility for their loved one’s death, they may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim with the insurance provider of the at-fault driver. A wrongful death claim can provide compensation to help cover hospital fees, burial costs, and the loss of support for dependents of the deceased.

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