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An ambulance car parked on the side street at night

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

A tragic traffic accident involving a local ambulance company employee claimed the life of a female pedestrian early Tuesday morning in Bakersfield.

The Bakersfield Police said the accident happened sometime before 4:30 a.m. in the downtown area on July 19, 2022. KGET-TV reported the tragic pedestrian accident occurred along the 1600 block of Truxtun Avenue near Eye Street.

Officers responded to the scene to find a woman in the roadway suffering from major injuries. The woman was rushed to the hospital where she was later pronounced dead.

A woman driving a Hall Ambulance maintenance truck remained on the scene to cooperate with an investigation into the collision. Police do not believe speed, alcohol or drugs were factors in the crash. Investigators are asking people who may have witnessed the accident to provide information about what they saw by contacting the Bakersfield Police Department.

Overnight Pedestrian Accident Dangers in Bakersfield

Pedestrians in Bakersfield already receive little regard from local drivers and the dangers show up in yearly accident reports. The hazards for those on foot only multiply after the sun goes down when motorists often allow themselves to become even more distracted.

Due to the defenseless nature of any pedestrian having to face vehicle traffic, drivers are legally required to monitor every part of the roadway for walkers. They must slow down to prevent any chance of a collision when they see anyone walking near the road.

Unfortunately, this extra care isn’t always extended to pedestrians, and victims and their families often suffer the consequences.

California’s traffic accident researchers at UC Berkeley recorded 113 pedestrian accidents in Bakersfield across 2021. Those tragic accidents led to 14 deaths. By the count of researchers, 75 of those pedestrian accidents occurred during the dusk/dawn hours or at night.

It’s just another important reminder for drivers to always remain vigilant while driving after sundown. They should remember that they can be liable for a pedestrian accident even when a victim wasn’t in a crosswalk. It’s up to drivers to monitor for pedestrians no matter where they are.

What To Do After a Loved One Is Lost in a Bakersfield Traffic Accident

The families of pedestrian victims are encouraged to stay informed of every benefit available to them after a terrible accident. A Bakersfield Pedestrian Accident Lawyer will discuss your case in a free consultation. This case review is confidential and comes with no obligation for you or your family. Make sure you don’t forfeit your rights to seek financial support from a driver’s insurance company or the driver’s employer’s insurance company.

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