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Paramedics Save Life of a Female Victim Lying on Stretcher

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Visalia, CA — A dramatic accident in Visalia on Saturday afternoon, June 29, 2024, resulted in a car rolling over into a firework stand, hospitalizing two, according to KSEE.

The incident occurred around 4 PM at the intersection of Walnut Avenue and Giddings Street, which is located in a residential neighborhood and is also the site of Best Buy Market IGA. Police responded to multiple calls reporting a collision involving two vehicles, one of which overturned and crashed into a firework stand.

Fortunately, the fireworks stand was unoccupied at the time of the collision, and no fireworks were ignited, ensuring no additional danger to the public. Both drivers involved in the accident sustained injuries and were transported to a local hospital for treatment.

Authorities are currently investigating the circumstances that led to the crash.

Personal Injury Claims

Determining fault in a collision can hinge on various factors, and in California, partial liability can be assigned to multiple parties. Assisting in establishing legal liability is one of the key roles that a personal injury attorney can fulfill for victims recovering from a traffic accident.

Suppose it is determined that the actions of another contributed toward the injuries. In that case, victims may qualify to file a personal injury claim with the insurance provider of those responsible. Such a claim can offer compensation to help offset hospital expenses and the loss of income from taking time off work for recovery.

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