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Paramedics Save Life of a Female Victim Lying on Stretcher

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Sacramento County, CA – On Sunday, February 4, 2024, a single-vehicle crash on Highway 99, north of 47th Avenue in the Lemon Hill area, resulted in the death of a 40-year-old Sacramento woman, according to the Sacramento Bee.

Initial investigations suggest weather conditions may have played a factor in her losing control of her SUV just before 4:30 AM as she traveled northbound on Highway 99.

The SUV went off the road and struck an embankment, ejecting the driver from the vehicle. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Her identity has been withheld pending notification of her next of kin. Investigations into the cause of the crash are ongoing.

Wrongful Death Claims

Even in cases where criminal charges are not brought to bear, families who have lost a loved one in a fatal collision may be able to file a wrongful death claim with the insurance provider of the at-fault driver.

The compensation provided by a wrongful death claim can relieve the financial burdens created by medical expenses, burial costs, and the loss of income to support any dependents of the deceased.

Insurance companies will work to reduce any claim they cannot deny, which is where the help of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can prove invaluable by negotiating on behalf of victims and their families to ensure they receive proper compensation.

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