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Car damaged from fallen tree

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Fresno County, CA – According to ABC30, two people were hospitalized after a single-vehicle rollover crash early Saturday morning, September 28, 2024. The California Highway Patrol reports that the accident occurred sometime between 1 AM and 4 AM on Lincoln Avenue, near the intersection with Valentine.

A black Toyota Camry was traveling westbound when the driver lost control, veering off the road. The car cleared a nearby canal before crashing into a tree. Authorities were not alerted to the crash until around 6:30 AM.

Both occupants of the vehicle suffered major injuries and were transported to Community Regional Medical Center for treatment. The cause of the crash is still under investigation, and it remains unclear whether drugs or alcohol played a role.

Liability in Single-Vehicle Collisions

In some cases, investigations may reveal that even in a single-vehicle accident, nearby drivers or unsafe road features share some responsibility. A personal injury attorney plays a critical role in sorting through these details to help victims and their families get the compensation they deserve.

Once liability is determined, the attorney can negotiate with insurance companies, who often try to reduce payouts. That means having legal representation can be vital to ensure victims receive fair compensation for their loss.

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