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Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Fresno, CA – According to KFSN, on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, the solo-vehicle crash of an off-road vehicle resulted in the death of a young woman.

Around 11:30 PM, a Polaris Razor carrying a man and woman in their 20s lost control at Hyde Park on Arthur and Florence. While there is no report as to whether the man was harmed in the accident, the woman died from her wounds.

Investigators have not determined whether the man or woman was driving at the time of the accident, nor what may have caused the driver to lose control. Intoxication has not been ruled out as a factor.

Wrongful Death Claims

The compensation provided by a wrongful death claim can help relieve grieving families of the financial burdens associated with the loss of a loved one in a vehicular fatality, addressing medical expenses, burial costs, and even the loss of income to support dependents of the deceased.

In some circumstances, investigations can reveal that some portion of the liability for a single-vehicle collision might fall upon other drivers in the vicinity of the accident or even unsafe roadway structures. Working through the particulars of liability to help those who have lost a loved one find proper compensation for their loss is one of the many services a personal injury attorney can provide.

The liability insurance that drivers carry is not just meant to cover accidental harm caused to those outside of the vehicle. A driver is responsible for the safety of those in their vehicle as well. While making a wrongful death claim against someone who knew the victim personally may prove emotionally challenging, the financial burdens left to a grieving family by the loss of a loved one can be hefty.

A good personal injury attorney can help grieving families seek proper compensation for the loss by navigating these tricky issues, as well as negotiating on the victim’s behalf with insurance companies, who routinely work to minimize the payout of any claim they cannot deny.

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