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Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 in Merced Ends in Fatality

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

One man lost his life in a pedestrian accident that occurred on a highway in Merced. The accident, according to information provided by Your Central Valley, took place on Highway 99 around 9:18 p.m. on the night of December 13, 2023 in Merced.

A 33-year-old man from Kent was traveling on Highway 99 in his 2020 Ford van when he noticed a pedestrian on the roadway. He swerved to the left in an attempt to avoid the pedestrian but was unable to, striking him. Several other vehicles struck the pedestrian following the initial crash. The driver of the Ford stopped and remained on scene until police arrived.

Paramedics and numerous other local responders were dispatched to the scene following the collision. The pedestrian, who has been identified as a 36-year-old man, was pronounced dead on scene due to severe injuries. None of the drivers or passengers in the vehicles were hurt.

No further details have been provided at this time. Merced California Highway Patrol officials continue their investigation into the accident.

Maison Law of Merced posted details regarding this accident and information that families can depend on after a fatal pedestrian accident.

Dangers of Merced Pedestrian Accidents

Because pedestrians have virtually no protection from harm in the event of an accident involving any type of vehicle, they are likely to be injured or lose their lives when these collisions occur.

Merced is no stranger to life-altering pedestrian accidents, including those that take lives. According to information provided by California’s Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS), a total of 48 pedestrian accidents took place in Merced in 2022. Out of these accidents, a total of 5 people were killed and 50 sustained injuries.

When a loved one loses their life in an unexpected pedestrian accident, families often wonder where they can turn in their dire time of need. Families are urged to seek the immediate assistance of a wrongful death lawyer so that they can get back on their feet financially as they grieve their losses.

After a Fatal Pedestrian Accident in Merced

Nobody is ever fully prepared to receive a call that a loved one has been taken from them prematurely in a fatal pedestrian accident. It is normal to feel confused or have questions concerning your claim.

Luckily, with the help of a Merced pedestrian accident lawyer, you can ensure that your rights are being protected as you navigate the complex legal system. At Maison Law, we have the resources that you need and the knowledge that is necessary to handle the insurance companies so that you can work on your emotional healing during these difficult times. You should never have to face a wrongful death claim on your own.

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