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Multiple Injuries from Foggy Crash at Elkhorn, Bethel Ave near Fresno

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Fresno County, CA – On Tuesday morning, December 3, 2024, two vehicles collided in what authorities suspect was a fog-related crash that hospitalized all of those involved, according to KSEE

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) reported the accident occurred around 9:30 AM at the intersection of Elkhorn Avenue and Bethel Avenue, south of Fresno.

According to CHP investigators, an SUV was stopped on the side of Bethel Avenue when the driver attempted to reenter the roadway and was struck by a JEEP already traveling down that road.

Emergency responders transported all occupants from both vehicles to nearby hospitals. Injuries ranged from broken ankles to head lacerations, though the specific conditions of the victims were not immediately available.

CHP officers believe the dense fog, which limited visibility to around 100 feet, likely played a significant role in the crash. Investigators are working to determine if other factors contributed to the collision.


Personal Injury Claims

Determining fault in a collision can involve multiple factors, and under California’s Comparative Liability rule, several parties can share partial responsibility. A personal injury attorney can play a crucial role in helping victims establish legal responsibility after a traffic accident.

Should evidence reveal that another party contributed to the injuries, victims may be eligible to file a personal injury claim with the responsible party’s insurance. This can provide compensation to help cover damages such as hospital bills and lost income during recovery.

If you or someone you love was harmed in an accident like the one described here, feel free to contact Maison Law for any questions or to receive a no-cost, no-obligation case assessment.

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