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fire truck at motorcycle accident scene

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Carmichael, CA – A motorcycle accident on Saturday morning, May 18, 2024, claimed the life of a man in his 50s, according to KCRA.

The collision occurred when a motorcyclist in his 50s was traveling northbound on Walnut Avenue, while a woman in her 20s was driving an Acura SUV southbound on the same road. The Acura driver had a green light and was turning left onto Robertson Avenue when it seemed that the motorcyclist ran a red light to collide with her vehicle in a devastating T-bone crash.

Unfortunately, the motorcyclist was pronounced dead at the scene due to the severity of his injuries. The driver of the SUV was not injured in the accident, according to officials. She remained at the scene and cooperated with the authorities during their investigation.

Wrongful Death Claims

Establishing fault in a collision can depend on multiple factors. Helping to determine legal liability is one of the ways that a personal injury attorney can help grieving families recovering from the loss of a loved one in a traffic accident.

Suppose it is determined that another party holds some portion of responsibility for their loved one’s death. In that case, they may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim with the insurance provider of the at-fault driver. A wrongful death claim can provide compensation to help cover hospital fees, burial costs, and the loss of support for dependents of the deceased.

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