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left hand of motorcyclist wearing riding glove on the clutch.

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Shaver Lake, CA – Authorities are investigating a fatal crash on Friday, October 11, 2024, near Shaver Lake after a motorcyclist tragically went off the side of a mountain on Highway 168, according to ABC30.

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) received reports of the accident around 2:45 PM, near the Tamarack Snow Park, a popular recreational area in Fresno County.

According to the CHP, the motorcyclist, who is believed to be in his 50s, lost control and went over the edge of the mountain, tumbling down a steep hillside. Fresno County deputies were the first to respond and discovered the rider unresponsive. Despite the efforts of emergency responders, the man was pronounced dead at the scene.

The identity of the victim has not yet been released, as authorities are notifying the next of kin. It remains unclear what caused the motorcyclist to veer off the road, and CHP detectives are actively investigating the circumstances surrounding the crash.

Liability in Single-Vehicle Collisions

In some cases, investigations may reveal that even in a single-vehicle accident, nearby drivers or unsafe road features share some responsibility. A personal injury attorney plays a critical role in sorting through these details to help victims and their families get the compensation they deserve.

Once liability is determined, the attorney can negotiate with insurance companies, who often try to reduce payouts. That means having legal representation can be vital to ensure victims receive fair compensation for their loss.

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