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Closeup of Police Lights on Dark Street at Night

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Modesto, CA – The Modesto Police Department is investigating a fatal crash that occurred around 1:30 PM on Thursday, August 1, 2024, in the bustling area of McHenry and Standiford Avenues, according to ABC10.

Police officers arrived at the scene to find a Nissan 350Z that had collided with a parked utility van, eventually coming to a stop on the front lawn of a nearby apartment complex. Residents described hearing a loud crash and then seeing emergency responders rush to the scene.

The driver, a local man from Modesto, sustained major injuries and was promptly transported to a nearby hospital. Despite medical efforts, he sadly succumbed to his injuries.

At this time, it remains unclear whether drugs or alcohol played a role in the crash. Authorities are conducting a thorough investigation to determine the factors that led to this unfortunate event.

Liability in Single-Vehicle Collisions

In certain situations, investigations may uncover that some liability for a single-vehicle collision falls on other drivers nearby or even on unsafe roadway structures. Sorting through these details to help victims and their families secure proper compensation is one of the key services a personal injury attorney offers.

After establishing liability, a personal injury attorney can negotiate with insurance companies on the victim’s behalf. Insurance companies invariably aim to minimize payouts for claims they cannot deny, making legal representation crucial for obtaining fair compensation.

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