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car accident crash involving a semi truck with trailer at a city street intersection with emergency services on site

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Two people sustained injuries in a car crash involving a suspected DUI driver in Fresno on Monday night. The accident, reported by ABC30, took place on Highway 99 near I-180 on the night of November 6, 2023.

California Highway Patrol arrived on scene at an unknown time to discover that a suspected DUI driver lost control of her vehicle on the highway, causing her to slam into a concrete barrier in the middle of the road. Her vehicle then collided with a second car.

Fresno responders, including paramedics, were dispatched to the scene to assist those in need. The driver of the vehicle who was allegedly under the influence sustained serious injuries and was hospitalized. The driver of the second vehicle was also hospitalized but is expected to be okay.

Due to the severity of the accident, two northbound lanes of Highway 99 were blocked for several hours as police cleared the scene.

It is not known if any arrests were made following the collision. California Highway Patrol continues its investigation into the circumstances leading up to the accident.

Maison Law of Fresno posted details in response to this accident, as well as information on how victims can financially move forward following a DUI collision.

Dangers of Fresno Car Accidents

When a driver is suspected of driving under the influence, their reckless actions are more likely to endanger themselves and everybody sharing the roads. DUI accidents tend to lead to catastrophic results at high speeds, including life-altering injuries and fatalities.

Over the years, statistics have shown that Fresno has a problem with DUI accidents just like many other cities in Central California. According to information provided by the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS), 241 total car accidents involving a suspected DUI driver took place in 2022 throughout the city of Fresno alone. Out of these accidents, 14 people were killed and 327 people sustained injuries.

Victims and their families are often left with a wide array of bills after they have been hurt in a serious DUI accident. It is not always easy to move forward on your own after an accident caused by another party, which is why seeking legal help may be beneficial.

Following a Car Accident in Fresno

Being involved in a car accident might be one of the most traumatic and devastating things that you have ever endured. Now that the insurance company is calling and you are no longer bringing in a stable income, you may be left with bills that you cannot handle on your own. You should be able to focus on physical healing without this added stress in the background.

Speaking with a Fresno car accident lawyer can provide you with the information and resources that you need after a serious accident. You have options and should never delay seeking help with your claim.

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