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A car bearing down on a hard-to-see pedestrian crossing the street at night

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Lindsay, CA – According to KFSN, on the night of Saturday, February 24, 2024, a 35-year-old Lindsay woman was injured by a hit-and-run driver.

Investigations indicate that around 9 PM the woman was attempting to cross Highway 65 north of Hermosa Street when she was struck by an unknown driver. Emergency responders found her lying in the street with a head wound and had her transported to Kaweah Health Medical Center.

Authorities are searching for the driver responsible. They believe alcohol to have played a factor in the crash.

Pedestrian Hit-and-Run Collisions

Drivers are expected to provide a special “duty of care” toward pedestrians, who have greater vulnerability and are more likely to receive fatal injuries in traffic collisions. However, establishing liability can depend on multiple factors. Sorting through these complexities to determine fault is one of the services a personal injury attorney can provide.

Should the driver escape justice, compensation may be available through uninsured driver coverage. Consulting with a personal injury attorney can help determine what the best options are.

Insurance companies aim to minimize payouts for claims they cannot outright deny. That is why the services of a proficient personal injury attorney can prove crucial for grieving families through the complexities of seeking justice for their loved ones.

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