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Fatal Solo-Vehicle Crash at Fremont Blvd and Thornton Ave

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Fremont, CA — Early Tuesday morning, May 21, 2024, a Fremont driver died after crashing into a tree, causing the vehicle to burst into flames according to KTVU.

The crash occurred around 12:30 AM in front of several shops at the intersection of Fremont Boulevard and Thornton Avenue, approximately a mile from I-880, near American High School. Almost immediately after striking the tree, the car became engulfed in flames.

Emergency responders, including police and fire crews, were able to rescue the passenger from the burning vehicle. Video footage from the scene shows the passenger being loaded onto a stretcher.

The exact circumstances leading to the crash are still under investigation.

Liability in Solo-Vehicle Collisions

In some circumstances, investigations can reveal that some portion of the liability for a solo-vehicle collision might fall upon other drivers in the vicinity of the accident or even unsafe roadway structures. Working through the particulars of liability to help victims and their families find proper compensation is one of the many services a personal injury attorney can provide.

Once liability has been established, a personal injury attorney can also negotiate on behalf of the victim with insurance companies, who will always seek to minimize the payout for any claim they cannot deny.

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