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Cesar Chavez Blvd, Peach Ave Hit-and-Run Crash Hospitalizes Fresno Bicyclist

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Fresno, CA — A 30-year-old man was injured in a hit-and-run incident while riding his bike on Thursday night, August 15, 2024, according to KSEE.

The accident occurred as the cyclist was heading eastbound on Cesar Chavez Boulevard, approaching the intersection with Peach Avenue, a busy area known for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Police reported that the man was struck by a vehicle that turned in front of him without warning. Rather than stopping to assist, the driver fled the scene, leaving the injured bicyclist behind. The injured cyclist reported pain in his hip and was transported to a local hospital for evaluation and treatment.

A concerned citizen who witnessed the accident took it upon themselves to follow the fleeing vehicle and was able to provide police with the vehicle’s location. This led officers to the car involved in the incident. However, when the officers arrived, the driver had already left the area, evading immediate capture.

Fresno Police are continuing their investigation to locate the driver responsible for the hit-and-run. They urge anyone with additional information to come forward to help ensure accountability.

Duty of Care Toward Bicyclists

Drivers owe a “Duty of Care” to bicyclists regardless of where they encounter them. This legal obligation arises from the fact that bicyclists have less protection while navigating alongside heavier and faster vehicles like cars, trucks, and SUVs. Motorists are required by law to be vigilant on the roads, in all mirrors and blind spots, for any nearby riders. Drivers must be prepared to brake to avoid any potential collisions.

Moreover, drivers must immediately stop in the event of a collision to seek prompt medical attention for the bicyclist. Staying at the scene, activating hazard lights, and blocking traffic can also help prevent further harm by reducing the risk of the victim being struck by oncoming motorists who might not see an injured bicyclist on the road.

California Hit-and-Run Laws

California Law requires drivers involved in a collision to stop their vehicle, notify law enforcement, and exchange insurance information with others involved. Failure to do so, considered to be a “hit-and-run,” is a misdemeanor in cases of property damage and a felony when someone has been injured.

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