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a blurred closeup view of a car crash involving a silver suv and a black suv

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Orcutt, CA — Three people were injured in a two-vehicle crash late Friday night, January 17, 2025, on Highway 101 near Orcutt, according to KEYT

The Santa Barbara County Fire Department reports that the collision occurred just after 11:30 PM and involved an SUV and a sedan. A mother and her two children, who were traveling in the SUV, were transported by ambulance to Marian Regional Medical Center for treatment of their injuries.

The southbound lanes of Highway 101 were temporarily closed following the crash to allow emergency responders to secure the scene and assist those involved.

The cause of the accident is under investigation, and no further details have been released. Authorities are working to determine the events leading up to the collision.


Personal Injury Claims

After a car accident, victims and their families often deal with unexpected financial burdens, such as medical bills, lost income, and, in the worst cases, burial costs.

A Personal Injury claim allows accident victims to hold the at-fault party financially responsible for their cost of care. However, insurance companies usually try to reduce payouts for claims they can’t deny. 

This is where a skilled personal injury attorney becomes essential, helping ensure victims get the justice and compensation they deserve.

If you or someone you love was harmed in an accident like the one described here, feel free to contact Maison Law for any questions or to receive a no-cost, no-obligation case assessment.

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