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male cyclist in traffic on a city roadway

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Roseville, CA – A 26-year-old bicyclist was hospitalized after being struck by a car Sunday evening, October 20, 2024, according to ABC10.

The accident occurred at the intersection of Blue Oaks Boulevard and Crocker Ranch Road. Emergency responders arrived at the scene, and the injured cyclist was transported to the hospital.

Authorities reported that the driver involved remained at the scene and is cooperating fully with the ongoing investigation.

No further details have been released at this time as police continue to determine the circumstances surrounding the crash.

Duty of Care Toward Bicyclists

Drivers have a specific “Duty of Care” towards bicyclists, who are particularly vulnerable in traffic accidents. This responsibility includes being vigilant for bicyclists with whom they share the road and, if a collision occurs, staying with the victim to ensure they get proper medical treatment and cooperating with authorities investigating the crash.

For those injured in a bicycle accident, filing a Personal Injury claim with the assistance of an experienced attorney can provide compensation for medical bills and other related damages.

If the at-fault driver avoids legal consequences, compensation might still be available through a family member’s uninsured driver coverage. Consulting with a personal injury attorney can help determine the best options in such cases.

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