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Closeup of Police Lights on Dark Street at Night

Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

Moorpark, CA – An 88-year-old man from Moorpark was killed in a pedestrian hit-and-run collision on Highway 118 late Monday night, June 24, 2024, as reported by KEYT.

California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers responded to the scene around 11:10 PM and found the elderly man on the roadside with severe injuries, which they determined were the result of a vehicle accident. The crash occurred along the highway, just west of Montair Drive. Despite life-saving efforts by emergency responders, the man succumbed to his injuries.

Witnesses at the scene described a large, dark-colored pickup truck as the vehicle that struck the victim. The truck reportedly continued driving westbound after the collision without stopping.

CHP is actively investigating the cause of the collision and seeking information about the driver involved.

Pedestrian Fatalities and Wrongful Death Claims

Motorists bear an added responsibility, known as the “Duty of Care,” towards pedestrians due to their heightened vulnerability in car accidents, often leading to pedestrian fatalities. Motorists are expected to stay with injured pedestrians to aid in securing help from emergency services and to cooperate with authorities upon their arrival.

For those who have lost a loved one in a vehicular fatality, understanding that a Wrongful Death claim, guided by an experienced personal injury attorney, can provide compensation is crucial. This compensation can alleviate the financial strain of medical bills, burial expenses, and the loss of income for dependents of the deceased.

If the at-fault driver evades legal consequences, compensation might still be accessible through a family member’s uninsured driver coverage. Seeking advice from a personal injury attorney can help ascertain the most suitable options in such circumstances.

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