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Founder & Principal Attorney
Maison Law

On Friday night in Hanford, a woman tragically lost her life in a fatal pedestrian accident. Your Central Valley reported that the accident happened at 10:30 p.m. on Front Street near the area of Oak Avenue on March 8, 2024.

California Highway Patrol responded to the accident, where they discovered that a pedestrian was struck by an orange GMC Sierra. The pedestrian was walking westbound on Front Street just ahead of the Sierra when the driver struck her due to reasons that are not yet known.

Paramedics and numerous other Hanford responders assisted on scene. The pedestrian, identified only as an adult female, was critically injured and rushed to Adventist Health Hanford. The pedestrian was tragically pronounced deceased at the hospital. Nobody else was hurt in the accident.

Police said that the driver was allegedly not under the influence at the time of the accident. Police have not said if any charges will be expected.

The investigation into the circumstances of the collision continues.

Maison Law of Hanford posted details concerning this accident and information on how families can move forward with a claim following a pedestrian accident.

Pedestrian Accident Dangers in Hanford

In 2022, the latest statistics were taken showing the prevalence of fatal pedestrian accidents in Hanford. In just that year, the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) estimated that 17 total pedestrian accidents occurred in Hanford. Out of these accidents, three people were killed and 16 sustained injuries.

As more and more pedestrian accidents occur throughout Hanford and the rest of Kings County, drivers must take precautions to ensure the safety of these vulnerable parties. If a life is lost due to a Hanford pedestrian accident, families should understand the rights they may have during these difficult times.

What To Do After a Hanford Pedestrian Accident

Families may wonder what options they have after they have lost somebody close to them in a fatal pedestrian accident. Even though no amount of financial recovery can bring back a loved one, it can help a family in other ways after their life was upended. Speaking with a Hanford pedestrian accident lawyer can ensure that you have the help you need at this time. A trusted attorney can help you and offer a free and confidential case consultation.

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